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Hans Jepsen har været ude for en trafikulykke.

Tirsdag d. 17. februar 2001 ved halvsyv-tiden var han på cykel fra sin bopæl i Blomstervænget. På vej til sit arbejde som værkfører i Sitroflex blev han kørt ned af en bilist i et vejkryds. Tegningerne viser, hvordan ulykken skete.

Hans Jepsen har fået en buket blomster af sin gode kollega, Arne Olsen. Du skal skrive en e-mail til Arne Olsen (arne@olsen.dk), som om du var Hans Jepsen.

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Though it is one of the faded memories of my life today, there are times when I remember his face clearly, especially his eyes. As he had yellow spots in his eyes, we called him Spotty. He was probably a stray dog until he came to me.

I was seven years old. My dad had just been transferred to Nasik. We had shifted into a rented house which was surrounded by lots of bushes and vines.

It was raining very heavily on the day we shifted. I went out and felt those refreshing raindrops with a cool breeze on my face. It was a cold dark night. We had our meal and went to sleep. In the middle of the night, I heard a loud thud outside the main door. I mustered courage and peeped out through the window adjoining the door, and I was really amused with what I saw outside.

There was a small puppy lying on an old rug which my mother had put outside the door. It was wet and shivering. At first, it was difficult to see the little one. It had a black body which was darker even than a black rainy cloud. It was the yellow spots in its eyes which made me realize its presence. It was trying to get inside the curved rug to avoid the chilling air outside, and it had managed to get in as I could see only his head outside the rug. I saw that the flowerpot kept on the window sill had fallen down. I felt pity for the poor soul. I went in and came out with an old towel. I wiped the puppy till he had become dry. I took him inside and made a bed for him with a woolen rug and a small pillow. He seemed very comfortable in his new bed, and he went to sleep immediately.

The next morning, everyone in the family came to know about the unusual guest. "Shall we keep him with us?", I questioned my mom. Like any other parents would, my parents first totally refused my idea but my sister and I convinced them to keep Spotty.

Slowly, Spotty mingled with everyone and became one of the family. We got used to all his small habits and pranks.

Days passed, and one evening when Spotty returned from his long walk, he appeared very exhausted. He came to my room and sat near me. It was then I saw that his hind leg was injured and was bleeding. I called my mother, and she quickly tied a bandage around his leg and gave him food to eat. I was very upset. However, the next day Spotty was up to his usual pranks though he limped a bit. After this incident, my relation with Spotty became more intense. I really admired him a lot for his courage.

One midnight almost a year later, we heard Spotty barking continuously. After some time, Spotty became quiet. I patted him on his back and took him inside. The next morning, my heart skipped a beat when I didn't see Spotty. I searched for him in each and every corner but he was nowhere to be seen. This time, he had gone and would never come back. I cried and waited for him. We waited for one long week but there were no signs of him.

Then one day my Dad got transferred to Mumbai. We shifted back to Mumbai. What had happened to Spotty? Was he dead? These questions remained unanswered forever.


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Though it is one of the faded memories of my life today, there are times when I remember his face clearly, especially his eyes. As he had yellow spots in his eyes, we called him Spotty. He was probably a stray dog until he came to me.


I was seven years old. My dad had just been transferred to Nasik. We had shifted into a rented house which was surrounded by lots of bushes and vines.

It was raining very heavily on the day we shifted. I went out and felt those refreshing raindrops with a cool breeze on my face. It was a cold dark night. We had our meal and went to sleep. In the middle of the night, I heard a loud thud outside the main door. I mustered courage and peeped out through the window adjoining the door, and I was really amused with what I saw outside.


There was a small puppy lying on an old rug which my mother had put outside the door. It was wet and shivering. At first, it was difficult to see the little one. It had a black body which was darker even than a black rainy cloud. It was the yellow spots in its eyes which made me realize its presence. It was trying to get inside the curved rug to avoid the chilling air outside, and it had managed to get in as I could see only his head outside the rug. I saw that the flowerpot kept on the window sill had fallen down. I felt pity for the poor soul. I went in and came out with an old towel. I wiped the puppy till he had become dry. I took him inside and made a bed for him with a woolen rug and a small pillow. He seemed very comfortable in his new bed, and he went to sleep immediately.


The next morning, everyone in the family came to know about the unusual guest. "Shall we keep him with us?", I questioned my mom. Like any other parents would, my parents first totally refused my idea but my sister and I convinced them to keep Spotty.

Slowly, Spotty mingled with everyone and became one of the family. We got used to all his small habits and pranks.

Days passed, and one evening when Spotty returned from his long walk, he appeared very exhausted. He came to my room and sat near me. It was then I saw that his hind leg was injured and was bleeding. I called my mother, and she quickly tied a bandage around his leg and gave him food to eat. I was very upset. However, the next day Spotty was up to his usual pranks though he limped a bit. After this incident, my relation with Spotty became more intense. I really admired him a lot for his courage.


One midnight almost a year later, we heard Spotty barking continuously. After some time, Spotty became quiet. I patted him on his back and took him inside. The next morning, my heart skipped a beat when I didn't see Spotty. I searched for him in each and every corner but he was nowhere to be seen. This time, he had gone and would never come back. I cried and waited for him. We waited for one long week but there were no signs of him.


Then one day my Dad got transferred to Mumbai. We shifted back to Mumbai. What had happened to Spotty? Was he dead? These questions remained unanswered forever.


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Lyt til historien om Camilla og svar på spørgsmål bagefter.
